vineri, 7 februarie 2014

Charles Dickens Primary School - o școală cu ...mari speranțe

Astăzi, 7 februarie, când se împlinesc 202 ani de la nașterea lui Charles Dickens, Edu Lab Romania vă prezentăm o școală deosebită din Londra, care se numește ...‘Charles Dickens Primary School‘, are ca viziune... ‘Great expectations for all‘ și un curriculum ce pune accent pe creativitate, învățare prin joc și multiculturalitate.

Cel mai mult ne-a plăcut faptul că la această școală clasele, care poartă numele celor mai îndrăgite personaje create de Dickens, sunt mici comunități pline de viață și entuziasm, în care copiii se simt bine și participă la activități care de care mai inovatoare și interactive.

Copperfield class
Little Dorit class - întâlnire cu un pompier
Barkis class - atelierul de muzică
Barnaby class- explorând împrejurimile pentru ora de arte
Iată cum se prezintă școala pe site-ul său:

Creativity and excellence are at the heart of everything we do at Charles Dickens Primary School. Children are encouraged to work to the best of their abilities. However, we also want them to have lots of fun along the way – to understand nature by growing vegetables and looking after our school chickens, to develop a love of literature through working alongside actors from renowned theatres such as The Unicorn Theatre and Shakespeare's Globe, to develop leadership and mathematical skills by setting up and running mini -businesses, to develop confidence and skills as artists through working with national galleries such as Tate Modern.

In order to enrich our exciting and diverse curriculum, we offer a continually expanding range of extra-curricular activities, tailored to meet the needs of children at different stages of their school career. Art and Dance clubs are especially popular with younger children – they seem to relish the opportunity to be active and expressive.

Visitors to our school often remark on our vibrant, ‘alive’ classrooms, and the creativity exuding fromEvery person is valued and has equal opportunity for personal success. We respect and embrace the multicultural nature of our society.

Chuzzlewit class - creatori de animație pe computer
Bumble class explorând grădina școlii
Gargery class - zumba time

Havisham class - învață cât arată ceasul
Scopul și valorile școlii sunt:

At Charles Dickens Primary School we provide a safe stimulating learning environment, developing active individuals with enquiring minds who are able to make their own healthy choices.

Every person is valued and has equal opportunity for personal success. We respect and embrace the multicultural nature of our society.

We value honesty, compassion, cooperation, courage, initiative and commitment to a positive approach to learning.

We have the highest expectations of academic, artistic, and personal achievement and offer a broad, challenging and exciting curriculum.

Our pupils have high aspirations for their futures; they possess enthusiasm both for learning and self-development which are essential life skills for the 21st century.

Our pupils have a developing sense of their roles and responsibilities in their school, the local community and as global citizens.

Together with parents, governors and friends of the school, we celebrate the children’s successes and ensure they leave school with a thirst for learning coupled with powerful self-belief.

Micawber class la ora de educație fizică

Nickleby class la ora de Științe

Oliver class la ora de matematică

Peggotty class la un atelier de făcut păpuși

Trotwood class ascultă o poveste africană, pentru că tocmai au învățat litera A de la Africa

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